Filming yourself at the gym is already questionable enough. But doing so in the bathroom to the tune of farts? That’s a whole other level.

We’ve previously discussed a host of questionable gym content, ranging from women who get their pants sucked off by a treadmill, to dudes who flex so hard that they pass out and break their nose. Now, a new type of gym-goer has entered the arena: the bathroom flexer.

In this video posted by Instagram user @tashabraziliano, she pops off her shirt and gets a good flex in for the camera. However, she’s soon interrupted by the unmistakable sound of a juicy toot.

“Last time I take posing videos in the bathroom,” she writes in the text overlaying the video. Of course, this wouldn’t be the last time, as recent reels from her show plenty of clips from the bathroom and changing room.

Still, this video serves as a reminder — don’t film in the bathroom, and if you’re taking a really bad dump, you can take solace in the fact that there’s always a chance the sounds of your intestinal turmoil are ruining some influencer’s video.